Friday, June 1, 2012

just can't say

Posted by Unknown at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Stanza I:
i feel so good that i found you
my heartbeat fast
i don't know, why?
i can't understand my feeling
when you where here beside me

Stanza II:
i'm simple
but my love for you is never ending
i feel nervous
when i saw you
you and i standing in the place while raining
you saying " i don't love you no more"

I'm standing  in the rain
my tears roll down to my face it's hard to breath
oh....... i can't understand that,
you want let me go

just can't say
my feeling
my eyes is crying, when you broke my heart
i hate that promises,
i hate who i am,
coz my feelings for you is never ending
i love you so much, i love you

Stanza III:
I know the story of us is ending
all memories that we shared
all bad times, and all good times
i promise i will keep them all...
i believe someday you and i will see each other
i promise i'll be a good friend....

( repeat Chorus)

i understand your feelings to me
i'll be a good friend
i love you, i love you
just can't say

( repeat Chorus)


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